1,452 research outputs found

    Evaluación clínica de la memoria (ECM) en alumnado de Educación Secundaria y Bachillerato: un estudio piloto

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    La memoria es una capacidad cognitiva imprescindible en el ámbito de la Educación Secundaria y Bachillerato. En Educación Primaria comenzamos a organizar y optimizar los contenidos. En Secundaria y Bachillerato tenemos que atender de forma más acentuada la distribución de la enseñanza de los contenidos. Sabemos que en cuestiones de aprendizaje funciona mejor la práctica distribuida y frecuente que la práctica intensiva y masiva, ya que con la primera se produce un balance entre memoria explícita e implícita. El presente estudio recoge los hallazgos obtenidos por adolescentes en el nuevo test “Evaluación Clínica de la Memoria” (ECM).Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Targeted mutagenesis of FaTM6 in the Octoploid Strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa) using the CRISPR/Cas9 System

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    The B-class of MADS-box transcription factors has been studied in many plant species, but remain functionally uncharacterized in the Rosaceae family. APETALA3 (AP3), a member of this class, controls the identity of petals and stamens in Arabidopsis thaliana. In this work, we identified two members of the AP3 lineage in the cultivated strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa): FaAP3 and FaTM6. Interestingly, FaTM6, and not FaAP3, shows an expression pattern equivalent to that of AP3 in Arabidopsis. Genome editing using Cluster Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats (CRISPR)/Cas9 system is becoming a robust tool for targeted and stable mutagenesis of DNA. However, whether it can be efficiently used in an octoploid species such as F. × ananassa is not known. In our study, we report the application of the CRISPR/Cas9 in F. × ananassa to characterize the function of FaTM6 in flower development. An exhaustive analysis by high-throughput sequencing of the FaTM6 locus spanning the target sites showed a high efficiency genome editing already in the T0 generation. The phenotypic characterization of the mutant lines indicates that FaTM6 plays a key role in petal and especially in anther development in strawberry. Our results validate the CRISPR/Cas9 strategy for gene functional analysis in an octoploid species such as F. × ananassa, and offer new opportunities for engineering strawberry to improve traits of interest in breeding programs.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    A Survey of Basic Daily Living Assistance in Dependency Units during the Morning First Period at Nursing Homes with a Healthcare Dysfunction

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    (1) Background: It is important to evaluate the attention in the basic activities of daily life in the early hours of the day to evaluate the quality of care and to be able to increase the attention of human resources in case of observing an increase in dependency. The purpose was to improve healthcare quality in nursing homes, correctly identifying the work burden and incidents of daily planning, and completing the work plan by nursing assistant staffing. (2) Methods: The sample is based on 70 elderly people. The analysis used an observational trial every workday over a six-month period. An ad hoc sheet was prepared to collect socio-demographic data on each participant, and the Barthel Index was applied to the study subjects. A daily record of three basic activities of daily living (BADL), such as dressing, bathing, and eating, was kept. (3) Results: Our results showed a significant evolution in both units, but it was in the psychogeriatric unit in which higher compliance with the schedule and higher maintained stability was reached. (4) Conclusions: The use of some BADL registers helped us address situations of imbalance in terms of user assistance and establish an interdisciplinary communication with the nursing team as a way of achieving better organization and compliance with care protocols

    Multivariate Statistical Analysis of Phyllite Samples Based on Chemical (XRF) and Mineralogical Data by XRD

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    It is presented the results obtained of a multivariate statistical analysis concerning the chemical and phase composition, as a characterization purpose, carried out with 52 rock phyllite samples selected from the provinces of Almería and Granada (SE Spain). Chemical analysis was performed by X-ray fluorescence (XRF). Crystalline phase analysis was performed by X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) and the mineralogical composition was then deduced. Quantification of weight loss (100° and 1000°C) was carried out by thermal analysis. The aims of this investigation were to analyze and compare the chemical and mineralogical composition of all these samples and to find similarities and differences between them to allow a classification. Several correlations between results of the characterization techniques have been also investigated. All the data have been processed using the multivariate statistical analysis method. The XRF macroelements (10) and microelements (39) data generate one macrogroup with two new subgroups (1 and 2), and an isolated sample. In subgroup 1 of macroelements, a positive correlation was found between XRF results and geographic location characterized by lower MgO content, which is associated to its geological origins. When multivariate statistical analysis is applied to results obtained by XRD, two groups appear: the first one with a sample with zero percentage of iron oxide and the second one with the rest of the samples, which is classified in two groups. A correlation is observed between the alkaline content (XRF) and illite (XRD), CaO and MgO with dolomite and indirectly between the weight loss after heating at 1000°C and the contents of phase minerals that lose structural water (illite + chlorite) or carbon dioxide (dolomite). The present investigation has interest and implications for geochemistry and analytical chemistry concerning earth rocks and silicate raw material

    First record of the epizoic red seaweed Polysiphonia carettia Hollenberg in the Mediterranean Sea.

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    Primera cita del alga roja epizoica Polysiphonia carettia Hollenberg en el mar Mediterráneo Key words. Caretta caretta, epibionts, Mediterranean Sea, Polysiphonia carettia. Palabras claves. Caretta carom, cpibiontes, Mar Mediterráneo, Polysiphonia carettia

    Discurso de entrada en la Real Academia de la Historia, 1801. Presentación. José Antonio Conde: Más que un pionero. Bernabé López García

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    Modificación del pensamiento del alumnado que cursa tutoría y orientación en educación infantil

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    This paper presents a study on the change of thinking that occurs in students currently enrolled in the course of tutoring and mentoring in Early Childhood Education. This is an investigation of the work itself, reflecting the teacher and the student group / as always from the perspective of thought, based on the experience of students formed. The work process consists of two stages of information gathering. The first phase aims to collect the previous ideas. In the second phase, in the form of a final thought, is the information that complements the above and provide us with insights into the change of thought.El presente artículo presenta un estudio realizado sobre el cambio de pensamiento que se produce en el alumnado que cursa la asignatura de Tutoría y Orientación en Educación Infantil. Esta es una investigación del propio trabajo, reflexionando el profesor y el grupo de alumnos/as siempre desde la perspectiva del pensamiento, basándose en la propia experiencia del alumnado que se forma. El proceso de trabajo consta de dos momentos de recogida de información. La primera fase, pretende recopilar las ideas previas. En la segunda fase, en formato de reflexión final, se recaba la información que complemente a la anterior y nos facilite ideas sobre el cambio de pensamiento

    Incidència dels enfocaments d’ensenyament tradicional i ludotècnic sobre les variables relacionades amb el procés d’ensenyament-aprenentatge en la iniciació a l’atletisme

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    En aquest estudi es comparen els efectes de l’enfocament Tradicional i Ludotècnic sobre les variables feedback, el temps d’organització, informació inicial, de compromís motor i utilitzat en la tasca en l’aprenentatge de les habilitats atlètiques. Hem comptat amb una mostra de 58 nens de 4t d’Educació Primària, dividits en dos grups experimentals, als quals se’ls aplica un tractament de 18 sessions d’iniciació a l’atletisme dintre de l’horari escolar, basat en l’aprenentatge de les disciplines atlètiques (marxa, salt d’alçada i llançament de pes). Dels resultats obtinguts en el procés d’ensenyament‑aprenentatge, destaca que els subjectes de l’enfocament Ludotècnic dediquen més temps de compromís motor que no pas els de l’enfocament Tradicional, cosa que repercuteix en un increment del temps de pràctica de les activitats físiques i en una disminució del risc de problemes de disciplina; es perfila com un enfocament d’iniciació a l’atletisme molt més en sintonia amb els principis pedagògics i amb les finalitats que persegueix l’Educació Física en l’Educació Primària

    Incidencia de los enfoques de enseñanza tradicional y ludotécnico sobre las variables relacionadas con el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje en la iniciación al atletismo

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    En este estudio se comparan los efectos del enfoque Tradicional y Ludotécnico sobre las variables feedback, tiempos de organización, información inicial, de compromiso motor y empleado en la tarea en el aprendizaje de las habilidades atléticas. Se ha contado con una muestra de 58 niños de 4º de Educación Primaria, divididos en dos grupos experimentales a quienes se les aplica un tratamiento de 18 sesiones de iniciación al atletismo dentro del horario escolar, basado en el aprendizaje de las disciplinas atléticas (marcha, salto de altura y lanzamiento de peso). De los resultados obtenidos en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje, destaca que los sujetos del enfoque Ludotécnico dedican un mayor tiempo de compromiso motor con respecto al enfoque Tradicional, lo que repercute en un incremento del tiempo de práctica de las actividades físicas y en una disminución en el riesgo de problemas de disciplina, perfilándose como un enfoque de iniciación al atletismo mucho más en sintonía con los principios pedagógicos y con las finalidades que persigue la Educación Física en la Educación Primaria